Missonova L. A new stage in the retrieval of the heritage of S. M. Shirokogoroff: the pages of his intellectual biography (1912–1939)

L. Missonova - N. N. Mikluho-Maclay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of RAS Moscow, Russian Federation ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7376-3434
E-mail: missmila@iea.ras.ru


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ABSTRACT. Thanks to the support of the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a research and publishing project aimed at the first publication of the Orochon-Russian and Russian-Orochon dictionary by Sergei M. Shirokogorov has been started. The materials for the dictionary were collected by Shirokogorov in the Transbaikal Region in 1912–1913 at the first stage of his research career. The scholar persisted in his attempts to find a pure Tungus language, while examining and describing the processes of transition of the Tungus-speaking people to various dialects of Russian, Yakut and Mongolian (including Buryat). In 1939, at the last stage of his career, Shirokogorov wrote his work Tungus Literary Language in English (the manuscript is housed in the Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków). He did not believe in the future of the literary written language, which was supposed to have a “class meaning” and be created according to artificially imposed spelling and phonetic rules. It should be pointed out that Shirokogorov’s statements were academic, not political.


DOI 10.31250/2618-8600-2020-2(8)-184-203
УДК 39(571 . 53/. 55)


KEYWORDS: Tungus, Orochons, Transbaikal Region, Orochon-Russian and Russian- Orochon dictionary, Tungus literary language, Shirokogorov, Kotwicz



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